Friday, January 15, 2010

The Makings of a Spiritual Christmas

I feel a little ashamed that it has been nearly two months since my last entry. I guess that traditionally at this time of year, the approaching holiday season, my focus and energy turns to preparing the many things that are a part of Christmas. There are of course the gifts to be made or purchased, especially for the children, decorating the house inside and out, baking for all the neighbors, getting together with friends and family, participating in church activities, etc. This is the fun part of Christmas for me. It is the one time of year that I don't feel guilty about putting aside some of the endless mundane tasks of keeping an orderly home, and devoting time to exercise my more creative side.

But what has always been so difficult for me is getting lost in this materialistic (but fun) part of Christmas at the expense of preparing spiritually. Every year I've tried to leave some quiet time to read about the life of the Savior, to ponder and reflect upon the meaning of the atonement in my own life, to honestly try to love each member of my family, my neighbors, and even strangers more as He has taught us to love. I know that this is the way we can and should celebrate His birth. But year after year I fall far short of reaching that goal. There are those fleeting moments or maybe even sometimes hours when something I see or hear touches my spirit in such a way that I feel closer to Christ, but they are just that - fleeting.

This year I think I came closer than I ever have before, and as I contemplate why, I have come to the following conclusion:
1. I began in October to read Jesus The Christ by James E. Talmage. Every year I have
started reading this book before Christmas, but this year I actually finished the whole book. I found myself reflecting on the many aspects of Christ's life and mission about which I had read throughout the season and still now.
2. Economic and health issues required me to cut back on gift giving this year which freed up time and energy to become more service oriented. I found myself thinking of ways I could help others who were struggling at this time. We have many single neighbors and friends who are alone and lonely, even during the holidays. Visits and small remembrances were so appreciated and we felt the Savior's love as we loved His children.
3. We sacrificed financially to help some who needed help with the basic necessities.
4. I simplified my baking. No coffee cakes for the first time in many, many years. Our neighbors and friends received candied nuts instead.
5. I took time to listen to uplifting programs, devotionals and music on the BYU channel and invited non member friends to joins us.
6. I spent a wonderful day with family thanks to Rochelle who hosted the gathering.
7. Thanks to Debbie who heard me say that one of the things I really wanted to do was go to the temple for a session and then walk the beautiful grounds as that was one place I could always feel the spirit I wanted to feel, that desire was realized. She arranged for Kathi and Carrie to share in that gift to me.
8. Spending Christmas Eve with Debbie's family for dinner and sharing the Spirit of Christmas as we talked about the birth of the Savior and the blessings we have received because of His Gospel in our lives.

Yes, I decorated the house (that was important to me) and I did make some gifts (I still enjoy being creative and "crafty"), but I did purchase some inexpensive gifts, more than usual. But I focused mostly on the children. But I think the reason for one of the most spiritual Christmas's ever was that I was that my mind was less cluttered and stressed with all the truly unimportant trappings of the celebration of Christ's birth and focused more on what He would have us do. I want my family to know how much each one of them are loved and appreciated. I didn't hear a single complaint about how Grandma or Mom had forgotten them at Christmas. Always know that you are never forgotten as much as I know that you don't need "things" to be able to feel that love. And likewise I don't need gifts to know and feel your love. Your righteous lives are always a special gift to me.


Hampers said...

Thank you for your faithfulness in posting these devotions for us!

Anonymous said...