Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Answers and Blessings Come

I left you hanging in that last post for a long, long time ( 6 years).  If you have been trying to follow this blog I'm sure by now you have just given up.  I won't try to explain or make excuses, but the Spirit has been prompting for quite some time to  "get with it again" or I will be running out of time.  When the Spirit speaks I try to listen.  So now my history, which is contained in this blog, has become a priority.  My eyesight is going as is the mobility in my hands, not to mention my brain which is losing cells at an accelerated pace.

Now to get back to that last post in which I left you hanging.  It ended with Jon, now about 4 years old, asked me question about the baby I was caring for at the time.  He loved that little baby and cried every time her mother came to pick her up.  Now for that question which he asked.  One day when that baby went out the door he turned to me and asked, "How can we get a baby we can keep?"  How could I answer that question when doctors had told me after the twins were born that I would never be able to conceive again because of medical issues.  We had been blessed to have Jon join our family because of a special blessing Jim (my husband) had been given when he was "set a part" as new elders quorum president in our ward.  Because of that miracle we named him Jon which means "Gift from God."                                                                                                                                                          
                                                                                                                                                                                     The answer which I gave to Jon's question answer was, "We'll have to ask Heavenly Father" to which he said,  "Let's go ask Him right now".  What do I do?  I certainly didn't want to destroy the innocent faith he had that God does answer prayers.  He'd learned that in Primary.  Did I have the faith that Jon had?  Now I had to test it.  So we went together to the bedroom,  knelt beside the bed and Jon said a simple prayer asking God for a baby sister "in the name of Jesus Christ."

What was the result of this child's prayer?  Nine months later we were blessed with new baby girl whom we named Lea Rae.  After her birth neither I nor any one in the family could call her "my baby" or "our baby".  If we did,  Jon would say, "She's not your baby.  She's my baby.  You didn't pray for her.  I did."  From then on Lea was his baby and he showed it by the way he doted over her.  But she was blessing to our whole family.

Note:  As long as it has taken me to write this short posting, I will have to live to be 100 years old to finish the history of my life in this blog.  But I'm going to keep going as long as I can.

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