Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Miracle

     The joy of having twins was shattered when the pediatrician came in the day after their birth to tell me that our little girl, Jonita Rochelle, which we had named her had a serious heart problem.  There was a hole in her tiny heart.  He had called in a heart specialist who observed her since the day she was born hoping that the hole would close on its own as if often does in new infants.  But on the second day the hole was still there and was located in a place that rarely if ever closed on its' own.  We were informed that she would need surgery to close it.   I was devastated!  Jim called the Bishop to help him give a blessing to our little Rochelle.  After the blessing the Bishop started a phone chain of members of the ward to call a special fast in her behalf.  

     The following day I was to be released, taking home our little son, James Richard Jr.  Rochelle was to remain until a surgery date could be scheduled.  I was surprised to see the heart doctor come in my room when I was expecting my OB doctor to come in sign the release papers.  When I saw him my first thoughts were that something bad happened to Rochelle and I was terrified.  What a shock it was when he said, "I have examined the baby very thoroughly this morning and I can find nothing wrong.  The hole is just not there."  He said how shocked he was because he had never seen such a large hole in that part of the heart ever close on its own.
The best news that he give us was that Rochelle could go home with her brother today.  We later learned from one of the nurses who was there when the heart specialist examined her that morning that the doctor had whispered under his breath, "This is impossible!  If I believed  in miracles this would be one."  Well, doctor I do believe in miracles, and you've just seen one. Only you just don't how and why it occurred. 

To this day Rochelle has shown signs of a heart disorder.  Now it was home to introduce these two new additions to the family to their three sisters

I just have to add one more thing about my "sensitive" and "loving" obstetrician.  The day after the twins were born he came into the room, threw some papers on my bed, and said, "These are your exercises you are to do every day beginning right now in bed.  And don't think I won't know if you have been doing them when you come back for your six week check-up.  Right then I hated that man, but when I was able to put on all my pre-maternity clothes within a week I changed my mind.  Of course since I had only gained 23 pounds and the babies weighed a total of almost fourteen pounds, I didn't have too much to lose.  But I have never felt greater after giving birth than I did right now.


1 comment:

Lea said...

I never knew this!